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Christina Louise Markhus_websize.jpg

Photo: Mona Hauglid


Founder and owner

Educated at Den norske balletthøyskolen in Oslo as a dancer, educator with specialization in art and cultural communication. Christina has taught many genres for Allegro Ballet Studio, Bårdar Academy Tvedestrand, DDD, Arendal Ballet Center and Danseverkstedet in Ås. She has also had the opportunity to choreograph for the Crown Prince and Crown Princess, assisted choreographer Signe Domogalla for an opening performance in Fjæreheia, Grimstad and various local productions.

Christina has traveled on journeys to New York, and in recent times has had the pleasure of traveling and dancing around the world. Selection of work: she danced in "Hamlet" at Agder Teater's production in Fjæreheia and "Turned In Side Out" workshop by Jana Hicks and Marijke Eliasbergh in New York. Participated in workshops with dancers for big international stars such as Rihanna, Ne-Yo and Britney Spears.

Christina is also the founder and dancer of the professional dance company "Move-danse ensemble sør". She is also a choreographer for the musical "St.Valentin" in Fjæreheia in the summer of 2018 under the direction of Beintein Baardson.

Kristine Drøsdal Øya_Foto Mona Hauglid-2672.jpg

Photo: Mona Hauglid


Dance teacher

Sandra Gabriela Igland is educated at Den Norske Dansehøyskole as a dancer and educator with a specialization in jazz. Gabriela danced since she was 3 years old at Arendal Ballet Center and Allegro Ballet Studio. She has also attended Dans Forstudium at Trøndertun. In the autumn of 2018, Gabriela went to the "Flow Dance Academy" in Oslo to get an insight into the urban dance styles. Among other things, she has been a dancer in "Jesus Christ Superstar - concert in Hell" under the direction of Trøndelag Theater and "Nasareeren" in Fjæreheia in the summer of 2016.

We are looking forward to getting her back with even more "swag"!

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Photo: Mona Hauglid



Tin was born and raised in Arendal, originally from Vietnam. He has been dancing since he was 8 years old. Tin has been a substitute teacher in hip hop at Arendal Ballet Center and has been a dancer and co-choreographer for some of their performances. He has also participated in various workshops including "The Vibe" and the dancers of Justin Bieber.

Stine Bakkejordet_Foto Mona Hauglid-4702.jpg

Photo: Mona Hauglid


Instructor Apprentice

Kristina has been dancing since she was 3 years old at Arendal Ballet Center and Bølgen Dansestudio. She has her own lessons with Cheerdance at Bølgen today. Kristina is also a member of the Wave Dance Crew and performed at a number of shows with Bølgen. She has starred as little Maleficent in 2015, Scar in The Lion King and Grandma Tala in Vaiana 2022. Kristina was also selected for the prestigious "Påtåhev" performances that were to be held in December 2021 (postponed until 2022) We are proud to have such a skilled and serious instructor with us at Bølgen!

Janelle Haddeland_Mona Hauglid Foto-1238_websize.jpg

Photo: Mona Hauglid


Instructor Apprentice

Synne has been dancing since she was 3 years old at Arendal Ballet Center and Bølgen Dansestudio. Today she has her own lessons with Cheerdance with us. She is a member of the Wave Dance Crew and has performed a number of shows with this company. 

Synne has had the main role as the parrot in Aladdin 2016 and Maui in Vaiana 2022. She is a positive, skilled and fun instructor that we are proud to have on Bølgen! 

Jeanett Wesstøl_Mona Hauglid Foto-4713.jpg

Foto: Mona Hauglid



Jeanett er fra Arendal hvor hun startet å danse da hun var 3 år. Hun gikk danselinjen ved Dahlske videregående før hun gikk vider med dans på Follo folkehøgskole. Deretter har hun gått Spin off forstudium i dans og så Ballettakkademien i Stockholm. Som utøvende danser har Jeanett vært med på På tå hev ved Den Norske opera og ballett i 2016, og danset på Dansens hus i Oslo og Dieselverkstaen i Stockholm. Jeanett har danset de fleste stiler som ballett, jazz, moderne, hip hop, high heals og stepp, men hun er for tiden også med å undervise i swing og Westcoast swing. Vi er glade for å ha Jeanett i Bølgen!

Lene Wadseth Myren_Mona Hauglid Foto-7702_websize.jpg

Foto: Mona Hauglid



Lene er utdannet dansepedagog fra Den Norske Balletthøyskole hvor hun tok bachelor i dans og pedagogikk og Bårdar Akademiet. Hun har videreutdanning i utøvende dans fra Dance New Amsterdam New York og USN- kultur og ledelse. Hun har tidligere undervist ved Kirsti Skulleruds ballett- danseskole, kulturskolen i Gvarv og Seljord, Sagavoll Folkehøgskole og Seljord Folkehøgskole. Ved siden av undervisning arbeider Lene med ulike prosjekter både som danser og koreograf. Hun har bl.a. arbeidet for NRK med BlimE-dansen, UMOJA og Huldresølvet.

Lene har startet sin egen danseskole på Vegårsheia "VMdans" og vil være pedagog for SFO elevene på Flosta og Eydehavn. Vi er så glade for å ha deg med!

Ine Elise Berg_Mona Hauglid Foto-0266_websize.jpg

Foto: Mona Hauglid



Ine har vært danseelev hos Arendal Ballett Center og Bølgen Dansestudio siden oppstarten i 2014. Hun har undervist klasser høsten 2024 med point, moderne og jazz hos Bølgen Dansestudio. Ine vil være vikar og danse hos oss våren 2025. 

Bilde av Linda Amalie Thommesen. Foto: Mona Hauglid

Photo: Mona Hauglid


Plots and Proprietor

Born in Bodø and raised in Arendal. Linda danced from the time she was 6 years old at Tullen Wettergreen and at Arendal Ballet Center.

She danced at the ballet course at Follo Folkehøgskole. Educated as a teacher in music, dance and drama specializing in dance at Bodø University College.

Linda has danced and choreographed at many local productions and has taught children, youth and adults in various genres.

She has taught at Grimstad Dance Theater and Dahlske Videregående Skole, at Froland Kulturskole for 8 years and 10 years at Arendal Ballet Center.

Linda has also preformed many shows as "Elsa"  in Bølgen Dansestudio's performances of Frozen.

Bilde av Lina Birgitte Løvdal

Photo: Mona Hauglid


Dance teacher

Lina Birgitte started dancing when she was 8 years old at Studio Nille in Larvik. She is educated at the University of Stavanger, with a Bachelor's degree in performing contemporary dance and she has a Practical Pedagogical education in dance. In addition to dance, she has also studied music at Ansgar Høyskole and Musical Theater at Bårdar Academy.

In the autumn of 2016, she lived in Portugal and took part of her dance education there. She also loves to travel and has taken workshops and dance classes in a number of different genres in New York, London and Lisbon.

In the summer of 2018 she was seen as Klatremus in Hakkebakkeskogen, and in the autumn of 2021 she tours with the performance "Dyrenes Magiske circus" with Austre Dansekompani.

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Photo: Coming soon



Stine is a trained dancer at Bårdar Academy in Oslo with a main focus on hip hop. She has previously attended Follo Folkehøgskole, the dance line at Dahlske VGS and Bølgen Dansestudio. She herself has a main focus on modern and hip hop dance, and likes to mix the styles! Otherwise, she has been to everything from step, jazz, ballet, musical to swing. She has been a background dancer on MGP and Stjernekamp on NRK, among others. We are looking forward to having Stine on the team this spring!

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Photo: Mona Hauglid



Ingeborg is an experienced teacher in pole dance, pole fitness, yoga and mindfulness. She teaches with great enthusiasm and wants to create a good atmosphere of joy and friendship, where dance and yoga contain more than just exercise. Ingeborg specializes in awareness around movement and learns that not only can we enjoy dance or yoga, but our body can be our greatest life teacher to develop a happier and healthier self-esteem. We look forward to having Ingeborg on Bølgen!


Foto: Nikoline Foto



Christina har sin formelle utdanning fra den nasjonale ballettlinjen ved Edvard Munch videregående skole, Spin Off Forstudium i dans, før hun fullførte en bachelorgrad i dansekunst ved Høyskolen Kristiania. Parallelt med denne syv år lange utdanningen, har hun utviklet sitt kunstneriske virke som koreograf. 

I tillegg har hun de siste tre årene både danset og koreografert åpningsshowet for Norway Cup, et arrangement med over 30 000 publikummere og som har blitt direktesendt på VG TV. Christina har også hatt koreografiske oppdrag for Move Dansefestivalens utendørsforestillinger og deltatt i deres samlede forestilling «Uttrykk», som ble fremført på scenen deres. Videre har hun hatt ansvaret for koreografien under idrettsgallaen på Rådhuset i forbindelse med den nordiske hovedkonferansen, samt koreografert pausenummer på Skal Vi Danse og nylig mottatt støtte fra Trafo til et dansefilmprosjekt.

Vi gleder oss til å få med Christina denne våren! 

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Foto: Mona Hauglid



Maria er utdannet ved Den Norske Balletthøyskole som danser og pedagog, 2007 - 2010. I etterkant har Maria reist til New York og flere ganger til Paris for å danse. Hun har jobbet med revyen for Høyskolen i Oslo som koreograf ved flere anledninger og undervist på Allegro Ballettsenter, 2011 - 2012. 

Hun jobbet tidligere på Bølgen dansestudio fra 2017 - 2019. Etter en liten pause fra undervisningen er hun tilbake her! 

Lisa Helene Folåsen_Mona Hauglid Foto-9908_websize.jpg

Foto: Mona Hauglid



Helene har danset siden hun var fire år gammel ved Arendal Ballett Center. Utdannet danser og pedagog ved Den norske balletthøgskole med fordypning i ballett og jazz. (2007-2010). Undervist ulike sjangre og aldersgrupper ved Arendal Ballett Center, Allegro ballettstudio, Froland kulturskole, og Dahlske videregående skole. Underviser også dans i Villa Matilda barnehagene, Allegro ballettstudio og Froland barneskole. Helene har dessuten danset ved ulike forestillinger og eventer gjennom ABC. Vi er glade for å ha med Helene på laget! ​

Christina H
Stine B
Ine Elise
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